Galerie Barsikow …und die Welt hebt an zu singen…
Gruppenausstellung 3.7. - 26.9.2021 / Group Exhibition 3/7 to 26/9/2021 …und die Welt hebt an zu singen… das kann man ganz im Sinne Eichendorffs und der Romantiker verstehen, man kann es aber auch sozusagen gegen den Strich lesen. Jeder von uns, die wir an diesem Projekt teilnehmen, interpretiert das Motto auf seine Weise: die einen eher wörtlich, die anderen metaphorisch, die einen im romantischen Sinne, andere bildhaft - sei es als Fotografie, als Malerei oder als Skulptur - oder als Wort- und Tonkünstler. * * * * * ...and the world begins to sing... you can understand that in the sense of Eichendorff and the Romantics, but you can also read it against the grain, so to speak. What it generally means is this: the view of a thing or a situation is usually highly subjective, and how one evaluates a matter is fundamentally a question of perspective. As soon as the latter is changed, something apparently beautiful can turn into something ugly, for example, or vice versa: something ugly can also show unexpectedly beautiful sides; something still can become something in motion and something rigid can reveal sudden life; something terrible also reveals humorous aspects and apparent joke reveals lurking horror behind it. Each of us who take part in this project interprets the motto in his own way: some literally, others metaphorically, some in a romantic sense, others against the grain, some pictorially - be it as photography, as painting or as a sculpture - the others as word and sound artists.
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